Come. Taste. Touch. hear. smell. See. HaShem is Good!
You will be encouraged and equipped to experience the unmistakable Truth and authentic Love of GOD for you, family and friends.
You will be encouraged and equipped to experience the unmistakable Truth and authentic Love of GOD for you, family and friends.
B'resheet - In the BeginningPrepare your heart, head and hands to study The Living Word. We will post/link Torah Teaching Truth. Watch this space.
The LORD's FestivalsHaShem's Appointed Times are for the Redeemed Family to Remember Redemption. You are invited to celebrate with us. We will post/link teachings on The LORD's Festivals. Watch this space.
Light to the Nations"Enlarge your Tent" is the personal word HaShem called our congregation to see, hear and do. Our reach is global and local. We will post/link opportunities for you to support with your time, talent, and yes, treasure. Watch this space.
About UsMessianic Jews and Gentiles - One in Messiah. We flow in The Stream of Living Waters, like a "river rising," part of prophetic fulfillment.
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