Three years ago, HaShem spoke to our hearts, "Enlarge your tent!" We did not know, at the time, what that would look like. River Rising Congregation responded "Na'aseh v'nishma We will do and we will obey," as did our ancestors three times [Sh'mot (Exodus) 19:6; 19:8; 24:7] before receiving The Word at Mount Sinai in a Covenant commitment. Shortly, thereafter, we received an email from a gentleman in Kissi, Kenya AFRICA - 8,500 miles from our congregation's location. Apparently, Daniel Mose was searching the Internet for spiritual guidance and fellowship. HaShem, we believe, led him to us. Following a number of cautious correspondence, we mutually agree to walk together in Faith. The small group of Kenyans gather together under the leadership of Daniel, Dismus and Jared for spiritual development and growth. They humbly request to identify with us as River Rising Kenya. Our tent enlarges! The sixteen children pictured are given love and encouragement to support these young lives in Messiah Yeshua. Should your heart desire to also be supportive, please use the Donation Cart. One-Hundred Percent (100%) of all your designated donation for River Rising Kenya, our tributary, will be forwarded to them. Toda! Thank you!
Children supported by the Leadership of River Rising Kenya. Your designated donation is fully honored. Thank you.